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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

Development causes flooding to Durham resident’s property

Development can have unintended consequences for county citizens.  This interview is one example of a resident suffering from property damage from an adjacent new development.  There is a permanent storm water pond that drains onto the property owner’s land.  The developer has a temporary construction easement, but the flooding isn’t even in that area.  Who is responsible since the development is annexed into the city and the property owner is in the county? 

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

UGB Discussions at Durham County Commissioners Meeting (9/3/24)

The Durham Planning Department presented their recommendation on September 3, 2024 that the Board of County Commissioners no longer be involved with annexation cases within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB).  You will hear the deliberation among the County Commissioners.  They voted to stop hearing annexation cases inside the UGB which makes up approximately 70% of ALL Durham County.   Who will look after county resident’s best interest now.

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

Durham Citizens Loosing Representation

The Durham Planning Department is recommending that the Board of County Commissioners no longer be involved with annexation cases within the Urban Growth Boundary. The Urban Growth Boundary makes up about 70% of Durham County! Who do County citizens turn to when their property or wells are damaged from blasting in new City annexed developments, or if new developments cause flooding on neighboring property? The City and the County pass the buck.

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

How to Use Zoom to Join Local Meetings

This video provides a tutorial for Durham County residents who would like to use Zoom to attend local meetings with governmental bodies such as the City Council, Board of County Commissioners, and Planning Commission.

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

What Is Happening with Lick Creek?

Join Samantha Krop, the Neuse Riverkeeper as she explains how upstream development is negatively impacting Lick Creek and the ecosystem. Samantha also explains turbidity testing and gives potential solutions to this crisis.

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

The Problem with the Southeast Durham Watershed Improvement Plan

Tonight Durham's Board of County Commissioners are voting on a Southeast Durham Watershed Improvement Plan that would cost taxpayers $3 million if approved. In this video we explore the issues with the plan and advocate for our local representatives to do the right thing and halt the onslaught of development in Southeast Durham County.

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

Wells DESTROYED and UNSAFE WATER After Blasting For Nearby Development

This interview with Durham County resident Susanna Strasser explores the various repercussions she experienced after the water in the home she is renting was ruined following dynamite blasting that occurred to prepare land for a nearby housing development.

Susanna suffered from daily nausea, skin issues, discoloration of belongings, and much more—and the problem has still not been resolved even after a year.

The majority of City Council members have not demonstrated that they care enough about this issue to step in and help the residents living on Junction Road who are still dealing with this tragedy to this day. Email them at to let them know your thoughts!

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

The Truth About SCAD and Affordable Housing in Durham

In this extended version of our latest interview, Bonita Green and Mimi Kessler discuss SCAD, affordable housing, and the real reason this proposed text amendment is an issue, along with several other topics affecting Durham residents at this time.

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

SCAD Would Be Horrible For Durham Residents

This interview with Durham City Council candidate Bonita Green and Mimi Kessler explores the pitfalls of the proposed Simplifying Codes for Affordable Development (SCAD) Text Amendment and how it isn't good for the residents of Durham, but rather for the developers who proposed it.

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

Junction Road Wells Fail After Blasting for New Development

Last November a community of Durham County residents on Junction Road had their wells fail after dynamite blasting that occurred during the creation of a new housing development located nearby. In this interview, Lludiz Velazquez shares what happened when her family's well became contaminated following the blasting.

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

Who Should Be Held Liable For Deliberate Negligence Involving Local Development?

Durham City Councilmembers keep approving developments in rural Durham County despite known issues including mass environmental destruction, daily standstill traffic on country roads and other infrastructural problems, and property damage to homes, wells, and septic systems due to clear-cutting, mass-grading, dynamite blasting, and improperly-controlled stormwater flooding. No one is being held accountable for the harms being committed. Who should be directly responsible for the negligence and damages occurring with local development in Durham County?

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

Expanding the Urban Growth Boundary Would Negatively Impact Local Farms

Eliza Lawdley founded Panther Creek Forest Farm in 2014 and has a passion for farming, agricultural design, and education. The farm is a place to practice styles of farming that rebuild habitat, capture carbon, filter water and air, and build vibrant places for community. In this video she explains how expanding Durham's Urban Growth Boundary into an area adjacent to her farm would negatively impact it.

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

Rural Durham Residents Are Suffering

Rural residents in Durham County explain how they are experiencing a multitude of stressful and costly issues that have resulted from high-density development occurring near their homes.

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Preserve Rural Durham Preserve Rural Durham

Doc Nichols Development Is Ruining My Land!

The latest developments on Doc Nichols Road in Durham, NC are having serious impacts on existing homeowners' lands. This video shows the effects that one resident has experienced at her house.

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